Past & Projected Projects
At various times throughout the year and for the past several years the RJUSD SAFETY DEPARTMENT has worked on a variety of projects to enhance district wide school safety for the four school sites, And the over 1,500 School Children that are served TK-12th Grades.
Many arduous hours are spent "behind the scenes" working on these "Safety Related" projects. Projects are typically identified as a potential safety concern, Or an area that could be improved upon in the interest of Student Safety. All projects are initiated with one goal in mind simply to enhance or improve School Safety for the School Children within our district.
Ounce a potential project is identified, Then of course the process of locating funding and or resources is initiated, This funding and or resource is typically from an "Outside Source" such as at the County, State, Or Federal Level. This being accomplished typically at no or very little cost to the Riverdale Joint Unified School District.
Many relationships with other entities are created, established and strongly maintained in this process. At times the RJUSD SAFETY DEPARTMENT has worked with American Ambulance, The Fresno County Road Maintenance Division, The California Highway Patrol, The Fresno county Sheriff's Office, The California Department Of Corrections, Cal Fire, Riverdale Volunteer Fire Department, The California Department Of Transportation Caltrans, The California Transportation Commission, Naval Air Station Lemoore And many others.
Below listed are a few of the many completed projects that the RJUSD SAFETY DEPARTMENT has been able to accomplish. Along with a brief narrative and a few pictures regarding each project.
Many new and exciting projects are still in the infancy stage, but hopefully coming to a school near you. So please stay tuned, And as always thank you for supporting the RJUSD SAFETY DEPARTMENT.
Below are new Curbs and Gutters down Hazel Ave from Henson Ave to Stathem Ave, project date 2016 -17 School Year, Serving all district school children and community, Project Funded by State and Federal Funds, Active Transportation Program Grant, Cycle 1, Project Authored by Eric Franco * Additional crosswalks were added on Hazel at Henson, Paloma, and Stathem ave, Funded by Fresno County Road Maintenance and Operations Division, Project Date 2018-19 School Year, Project Authored by E Franco
Below Pedestrian Crossing Bridge Installed, Project Date 2016-17 School year, Serving all District school children and the community, Project Funded by State and Federal Funding by Active Transportation Program Grant Cycle 2, Project Authored by Eric Franco
Below Digital Speed Readout Installed On Mt. Whitney Ave Project Date 2016-17 School Year, Serving all district school children and the community, Project Funded by State and Federal Funds Active Transportation Program Grant Cycle 2, Project Authored by Eric Franco
Below Two Way Stop signs Installed at the intersection of Stathem at both Sherrill and Alva Aves, Project Date 2014-15 School Year, Serving the Riverdale Elementary School Campus and the Community, Project Funded by Fresno County Road Maintenance and Operations Division, Project Authored by Eric Franco
Below Crosswalk with In-Road Flashing Led Lights and Signs, Project Date 2015-16 School Year, Project Funded by Active Transportation Program Grant, Project Cycle 1, Authored by Eric Franco
Below 5 minute loading zone for student drop off and pick-up, Project Date 2017-18 school year, Serving Fipps Kids and the community, Project Funds by Fresno County Road Maintenance and Operations Division, Project Authored by Eric Franco
Enhanced Fluorescent School Crossing Signs within all school zones, Project Date 2013-14 school year, Project Funded by State and Federal Funds, Active Transportation Program Grant Cycle 1, Project Authored by Eric Franco
Video Surveillance Upgrade, Serving various District Sites, Project date 2011-12 School Year, Project Funded by NCR, Keenan and Associates, Project Authored by Eric Franco
New but slightly used Vehicles Serving District Safety needs and the High School KIds, Project date 2018-19 School Year, Project Funded by Donations from the Fresno Police Department and Clovis Police Department , Project Authored by Eric Franco
Every 15 Minutes - Project Date April 28-29th, School year 2019-20, Funding by the California Highway Patrol, California Office Of Traffic Safety and The Foundation for Riverdale Unified School District, Authored by, Eric Franco
This amazing 2 day program mostly focusing on high school juniors and seniors who are driving now or thinking about driving, an opportunity to challenge them to think about drinking, driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, their community, and many others. The program brought together a broad coalition of interested local agencies with the goal of reducing tragic alcohol incidents among today's youth.
The partnering of the California Highway Patrol, local law enforcement, local area hospitals, emergency medical first responders, churches, businesses, and service clubs validates the importance of working together to ensure a healthy community. This two-day event involved the entire high school, all students, staff and faculty had an opportunity to participate and learn from this Every 15 minutes program was very dramatic and emotional - and purposely so.
Teenagers are constantly reminded about the choices they have to make involving alcohol and how many others are affected by their decisions. They know the intellectual statistics. However, many teens share the belief it will never happen to them. This powerful program is designed to raise the awareness among students that they are not invincible. This program was able to help open the emotional doors and allow an experience first hand on how their actions could affect the lives of so many other people.